
En 2010 ,Delcourt demande à Règis Hautiére de scénariser la jeunesse de Nao (Aquablue) voilà une page test...

5 commentaires:

Thierry Martin a dit…

très chouette, on sent bien que tu es à l'aise dans ce genre là.
je languis le jour ou tu iras dans ce sens.

Oriol a dit…

Nice to meet you in Lyon!=)

Mimi Cortazar a dit…

Beautiful Work !

hardoc a dit…

Bon ! Ca manque cruellement de nouveaux posts dans ce blog. On s'impatiente. ;)

Anonyme a dit…

To make things easier and help you make savings, various newspaper services have
invented the scheme of Newspaper subscription deals. The advert designs can range from being
simple text affairs that are very basic, which also tend to be less expensive,
to the more expensive, fully graphic designed adverts with photo quality
images that can take up a whole page of the newspaper.
Information regarding different websites that contain large chunk of databases
of unclaimed properties and money are also provided in
different newspapers. Some say it would have, because there is
an ongoing collaboration between the two
groups in attacks on Israel. This is why various newspapers are now helping
to find unclaimed property owners by listing their names.

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